Updated Layout
This morning, finding a few minutes to squeeze in between work (i.e. waiting time while documents--long ones--print), I revised the layout of this weblog. I decided to float the sidebar on the left side as it was too constraining if it were on the right (text from the main posts sometimes overlaps with the sidebar). I also added a tagboard. I was quite envious of the other blogs with tagboards I almost moved the entire blog to another server that offered tagboards by default. At the least, I was tempted to change to another automatically-generated layout. But the hacker in me prevailed. I decided to subscribe to a third-party tagboard and just edit the CSS (cascaded stylesheets) sourcecode myself. After all, why waste my experience with html (though rusty, with today's high tech web-publishing packages)?
I haven't found the time, though, lately to squeeze my busy brain into writing web-worthy articles. I guess I'm just too busy running the economy =) (as I would usually tell my UP Program in Dev Econ classmates). Perhaps in the next few days.
I haven't found the time, though, lately to squeeze my busy brain into writing web-worthy articles. I guess I'm just too busy running the economy =) (as I would usually tell my UP Program in Dev Econ classmates). Perhaps in the next few days.