This is one of the newest services being offered by dotPH. It's basically a service by which individuals (Filipinos in particular) can avail themselves of their own "i.ph" domain name without the hassles of having to register for a regular domain name (such as the need to divulge one's identity). In short, the i.ph service offers "domains for individuals." In the past month, I had registered using jangelo.i.ph. I'm trying out the features, and if I like it, I'll be migrating this weblog to i.ph.
The service uses the BLOG:CMS Personal Content Management System by Radek Hulán, which is, according to dotPH president Mr. Joel Disini, one of the better blogging softwares (i.e. compared to Blogger). I do agree, since you'd have to be a techie to be able to fully harness Blogger's potentials. The barebones Blogger software is quite basic, and without third-party add-ons and some code/template tweaks, you'd end up with a blog that's quite limited.
One note, though: it's not free. dotPH charges a US$ 5.00 fee for three months or $15 a year for use of the i.ph domain name and service. But you do get a two-month free trial period to test the service(I'm halfway through this trial). Another thing: it's not as simple and straightforward to use as blogger. With some more patience, I'll get the hang of it.
Kudos to dotPH for the work put into i.ph.
This is one of the newest services being offered by dotPH. It's basically a service by which individuals (Filipinos in particular) can avail themselves of their own "i.ph" domain name without the hassles of having to register for a regular domain name (such as the need to divulge one's identity). In short, the i.ph service offers "domains for individuals." In the past month, I had registered using jangelo.i.ph. I'm trying out the features, and if I like it, I'll be migrating this weblog to i.ph.
The service uses the BLOG:CMS Personal Content Management System by Radek Hulán, which is, according to dotPH president Mr. Joel Disini, one of the better blogging softwares (i.e. compared to Blogger). I do agree, since you'd have to be a techie to be able to fully harness Blogger's potentials. The barebones Blogger software is quite basic, and without third-party add-ons and some code/template tweaks, you'd end up with a blog that's quite limited.
One note, though: it's not free. dotPH charges a US$ 5.00 fee for three months or $15 a year for use of the i.ph domain name and service. But you do get a two-month free trial period to test the service(I'm halfway through this trial). Another thing: it's not as simple and straightforward to use as blogger. With some more patience, I'll get the hang of it.
Kudos to dotPH for the work put into i.ph.
The;'right stuff' we love smart people they say there is only 6 degrees of separation between anyone in the world.Now the WWW. brings us even closer. Cheers,Danny Haszard Bangor Maine USA
Danny Haszard on Thursday, January 06, 2005 5:46:00 AM
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