The Email Hoax of the year? A compilation of my blog posts
It's over. We had indeed been taken for a ride. And as sure as the sun rises in the east, some of us had willingly obliged, at least initially. But after much skepticism, and much debate on- and offline, it's been proven: while Ms. Faye Nicole B. San Juan is a real person, her story is not.
I have removed the individual links from my favorite posts, and instead will link to this compilation. I think the story has been read about, forwarded and discussed for so many times, it will live on to be quite possibly the email hoax of the year, at least in our country, and at least for Filipinos whether here or abroad.
Faye, thank you. Since I posted a link to Ms. Patricia Evangelista's CRAZED article on your story and likewise published a link at, and as well, made subsequent postings on the topic, my readership has risen to the thousands. Before your story, I only had what, about three to four legitimate readership statistics per day (i.e. excluding myself). Now I had averaged 30-40 a day (though I doubt everyone of those page views refer to people who actually read my content, but hey, it's nice to have garnered quite a handful of referrals from Google and Yahoo!).
Links to my posts in chronological order:
Filipino Idol
Misplaced Priorities
Misplaced Priorities 2
Misplaced Priorities 3
Dramatic Parable
Political Points?
Fiary Tale Come True
A Farfetched Story?
Misdirected Aggression?
Government statement
Church group apologizes
Government statement
Idealism and Reality
The foolish and the weak
I have removed the individual links from my favorite posts, and instead will link to this compilation. I think the story has been read about, forwarded and discussed for so many times, it will live on to be quite possibly the email hoax of the year, at least in our country, and at least for Filipinos whether here or abroad.
Faye, thank you. Since I posted a link to Ms. Patricia Evangelista's CRAZED article on your story and likewise published a link at, and as well, made subsequent postings on the topic, my readership has risen to the thousands. Before your story, I only had what, about three to four legitimate readership statistics per day (i.e. excluding myself). Now I had averaged 30-40 a day (though I doubt everyone of those page views refer to people who actually read my content, but hey, it's nice to have garnered quite a handful of referrals from Google and Yahoo!).
Links to my posts in chronological order:
Thanks for the compilation. I spent the past 4 hours hopping across 5 or 6 blogs catching up on this whole 'Faye' business. I am disappointed I was not able to throw my 2 cents in earlier.
Carlo on Thursday, December 02, 2004 9:14:00 AM
I wish I was able to share my own personal experience with people so quick to condemn the government. I beg to differ with those who say that government is to blame for not supporting bright and talented kids in science. I am a case in point. The last time I had to pay tuition for school was in 1990 for Grade 7. For the past 14 years the government has been fully supporting my education (for the past 4 years, as a benefit of being a teacher in the university). And there are others as fortunate as myself, not many, but there are others.
There are dozens of national, regional and municipal science high schools offering quality education that is cheap, or free, or beyond free. And they deliver, their kids win REAL international competitions (see Real Heroes, Real Stories). The DOST has a long standing scholarship program for undergrduate, graduate, and even post-graduate education. There are also state colleges and universities that run excellent science and engineering programs. I can only talk of physics where UP and MSU-IIT are among the best schools.
It's true, there's never enough money to go around. These programs don't get the full support they need and deserve. And as with everything in our country, the system is prone to politics and suffers setbacks now and again. But my point is, if you have a child like 'Faye' who is smart and inclined towards science, the government will support her, and not just for something as shallow as a contest.
It is because the government is not just the President, or the Congressman, or the Mayor. There is a government aside from them, and perhaps in spite of them. It is a government of underappreciated souls who actually run the bureaucracy. Amid the lazy, the corrupt and the incompetent, there are true professionals somewhere in there who try to live up to the promise of government service. I know they're there because they made it possible for me to reach this far in my career. I thought other people should know they're there too.
There is another thought I wanted to share on the matter, but I think I've hijacked this blog enough. Anyway, thanks again J.
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If you take a look at the wikipedia entry of Bread of life International. It appears that the church is exagerating facts again. See
Anonymous on Sunday, March 29, 2009 2:02:00 AM
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If you take a look at the wikipedia entry of Bread of life International. It appears that the church is exagerating facts again. See
Gordon on Sunday, March 29, 2009 2:03:00 AM
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